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28 mai 2012

Le Kenyan devient la cible des extrémistes


Comme je n'ai pas trop le temps en ce moment de m'occuper du site, je vous joins ci-dessous la liste des dernière attaques effectuées au Kenya. Les recommandations du ministère des affaires étrangères sont à prendre malheureusement en considération si vous devez vous rendre au Kenya.

OTC Bus station blast 24 Oct 2011

One person is killed and 13 others are injured in a grenade attack at the OTC bus terminus on Racecourse Road, Nairobi. Elgiva Bwire Oliacha alias Mohamed Seif, was arrested and jailed for life for the attack. Hours later, after the OTC attack, another grenade was hurled into Mwaura’s Bar, off Mfangano Street in the city centre, injuring 14.




Garissa blast 5 Nov 2011

Two people are killed and five others seriously injured following a grenade attack at Garissa’s Pentecostal Church. A witness said two grenades were hurled into a house next to the church’s main entrance. One of the victims died instantly while the other died at Garissa provincial general hospital as doctors were attending to him.




Garissa attack 24 Nov 2011

Three people are killed and scores wounded in twin grenade attacks in the border town of Garissa. The attacks at congested places in the town occurred at about 8pm, within hours of similar attacks targeted at security forces in Liboi and Mandera where a soldier was killed in a landmine blast. Two people were killed when a grenade was hurled at Holiday Inn where people were watching news. The third person died on a congested street known as Ngamia Road near a church. Twenty-seven people were wounded in both explosions, 12 of them seriously, police said.

Link :



Wajir attack 11 Jan 2012

At least seven people, including three Administration Police officers, were killed when suspected al-Shabaab militants attacked a police camp in Gerile division, Wajir. The attackers also stole assorted firearms. They first opened fire and also used an explosive device. They also burned down the police post and seized two government officials.




Machakos bus station blast 11 Mar 2012

A series of explosions rock Machakos bus station, Nairobi, killing two people and injuring several others.




Mombasa 31 Mar 2012

In Mombasa, terrorists hurl explosives at a Christian prayer meeting near a bus terminus. Two people died and more than 25 others were injured in the explosion. Another explosion rocked a bar in the town on the same day.




Nairobi church blast 29 Apr 2012

A man attacks God House of Miracle Church in Nairobi, Ngara where one worshipper died and 10 others were seriously injured in a grenade attack.





Garissa blast 15 May 2012

An AP officer is killed and four other seriously injured in Dagahaley, Lagdera Division, after the Landcruiser they were travelling in was blown up by an explosive. The IED is said to have been buried at around 11am. The officers were on escort duty when they were attacked. Following closely was another team from their regular counterparts who were on different escort duty but their vehicle was not hit by the explosion.




Daadab, Wajir attack 26 May 2012

Six people are injured in simultaneous grenade attacks at Ifo 1 refuguee camp and a hotel in Wajir town. Unknown attackers lobbed a grenade into a building under construction at the refugee camp, injuring five construction workers. Suspected al-Shabaab militants also hurled a grenade into a Wajir hotel, injuring one.





Nairobi blast 28 May 2012

Blast rocks Kenyan capital


Dernière mise à jour : ( 13-06-2012 )
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